Tanja Frost

Elevated Dreams (2023)

39.4x31.5 in ~ Painting, Oil

$1,335.53   $1,224.42 Shipping to United States included
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Immerse yourself in the captivating world of art with this painting that invites you to look up at the treetops, where leaves dance under the gentle touch of the wind.
Against the backdrop of endless skies and fluffy clouds, you stand on the ground, experiencing a moment of convergence between dreams and reality.
This artwork prompts contemplation about the boundless possibilities offered by looking upward while remaining firmly rooted in reality.
The painting is a visual reinterpretation of the world around us, urging us to lift our gaze upward while simultaneously appreciating the sturdy roots in the earth.
This piece is an ode to dreams and resilience, embodied in the depiction of the boundless celestial space and vibrant earth, creating harmony between fantasy and reality.


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